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This document describes how to create widgets for Avaya Workspaces. It is intended to be used by developers creating and hosting widgets for Avaya Workspaces. This documentation outlines the process of creating a Web Component widget, along with the supported API methods and events and the process of porting over a widget previously developed for Avaya Workspaces 3.x client.


Avaya Workspaces uses widgets to bring information from multiple sources into a single user interface. There are two types of widgets in Workspaces:

  • Core widgets developed and supported by Avaya. These are widgets bundled by default in every version of Workspaces, such as the Chat, Email, or Customer Details widgets.
  • External widgets developed by a third-party and maintained externally.

The Widget Framework is a feature that extends the customization capabilities of Avaya Workspaces. You can use the Widget API and create your own widgets to customize the layout of Workspaces according to your business needs.