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Hello World

Here is a sample piece of code from our Angular Hello World Web Component. The below code is the .ts file of the component and shows how the API gets instantiated, along with various API data events to fetch client data from Workspaces.

import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-hello-world',
templateUrl: './hello-world.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./hello-world.component.css'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.Emulated
export class HelloWorldComponent implements OnInit {
private widgetAPI: any;
private interactionId: string;
public message: string = '';
public interaction: any;
public interactionEnded: any;
public customer: any;
public context: any;
public media: any;
public mediaMessage: any;
public pagePushUrl: any;
public agent: any;
public widgetMessage: any;
public navigation: any;
public locale: any;
public capabilities: any;
public customCardDeleted: any;
public metadata: any;
public configuration: any;
public dispositionCodes: any[];
public voiceDispositionCodes: any[];
public workCodes: any[];
public emailWorkCodes: any[];
public additionalWorkCodes: any[];
public notReadyReasonCodes: any[];
public systemReasonCodes: any[];
constructor(private changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef, private element: ElementRef) {
this.interactionId = this.element.nativeElement.getAttribute('interactionid');
this.widgetAPI = (<any>window).WS.widgetAPI( this.interactionId);
ngOnInit(): void {
this.metadata = this.widgetAPI.getMetadata('angular-hello-world');
this.capabilities = this.widgetAPI.getCapabilities();
this.configuration = this.widgetAPI.getConfiguration();
this.dispositionCodes = this.widgetAPI.getDispositionCodes();
this.voiceDispositionCodes = this.widgetAPI.getDispositionCodes('VOICE');
this.workCodes = this.widgetAPI.getWorkCodes();
this.emailWorkCodes = this.widgetAPI.getWorkCodes('EMAIL');
this.additionalWorkCodes = this.widgetAPI.getAdditionalWorkCodes();
this.notReadyReasonCodes = this.widgetAPI.getNotReadyReasonCodes();
this.systemReasonCodes = this.widgetAPI.getSystemReasonCodes();
// Interaction event fired when a new interaction is created or has been updated
this.widgetAPI.onDataEvent('onInteractionEvent',(data) => {
this.interaction = data;
// Interaction ended event fired when the interaction card has ended
this.widgetAPI.onDataEvent('onInteractionEndedEvent',(data) => {
this.interactionEnded = data;
// Interaction context data
this.widgetAPI.onDataEvent('onContextDataEvent',(data) => {
this.context = data;
// Media data from chat, sms, email, social
this.widgetAPI.onDataEvent('onMediaEvent', (data) => { = data;
// Media message data from chat, sms, email, social
this.widgetAPI.onDataEvent('onMediaMessageEvent', (data) => {
this.mediaMessage = data;
// Triggered on agent state changes
this.widgetAPI.onDataEvent('onAgentStateEvent', (data) => {
this.agent = data;
// Triggered when the widget receives a message from another widget
this.widgetAPI.onDataEvent('onMessageEvent', (data) => {
this.widgetMessage = data;
// Triggered on navigation change
this.widgetAPI.onDataEvent('onNavigationEvent', (data) => {
this.navigation = data;
// Triggered when capabilities have updated
this.widgetAPI.onDataEvent('onCapabilitiesEvent', (data) => {
this.capabilities = data;
// Event fired when a custom card is deleted
this.widgetAPI.onDataEvent('onCustomCardDeletedEvent', (data) => {
this.customCardDeleted = data;
// Triggered when card is focused
this.widgetAPI.onDataEvent('onCardFocusedEvent', (data) => {
this.interaction = data;
// Send a message to another widget under the same interaction context
sendNotification() {
this.widgetAPI.sendMessage('Sample Widget Message: ' + this.message);
this.widgetAPI.sendNotification('Sample Widget Message: ' + this.message, 'info');
// Send a message to any other widget not constrained by interaction context
sendNotificationToAnyWidget() {
this.widgetAPI.sendMessageToAnyWidget('Sample Any Widget Message: ' + this.anyWidgetMessage);
this.widgetAPI.sendNotification('Sample Any Widget Message: ' + this.anyWidgetMessage, 'warning');